previously: terms: demiurge, bright colors?, reality check, the sublime, robert a. small, dm final crit, artbrain, god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky,

When I saw Brenda Grell's makeout video with a stuffed kissie pooch, I was impressed by how she so naturally subverted the toy manufacturer's intentions by using the toy for exactly what it was design. Sure, she nudged an innocent face-lick into necking, but she was just kissing a dog made for kissing.

It struck me as the perfect subversion. Do exactly what they say and totally twist what they meant in the process.

And when Paul Badger said that this sort of thing probably exists ad extremis on the internet, I thought he must be fucking nuts. But, I was fucking wrong!

It seems plushofilia is not only a word, but a way of life. A word of warning, this one is graphic.

Oh, and I also found out about Miranda July.

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previously: terms: demiurge, bright colors?, reality check, the sublime, robert a. small, dm final crit, artbrain, god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky,

Thursday, December 15, 2005 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast