previously: usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games, the digital imprimatur, plates,

I can't tell if this is for real or not, but appears to point to The Westboro Baptist Church Home Page, where one finds over-the-top bits that start out sounding tongue in cheek but then devolve into such evil I start to think they must be serious.

For instance, "Memorials: Diane Whipple has been in hell for 1781 days" links to a ridiculous gif animation of her head in flames, and then this disturbing description: "Diane Whipple, a filthy dyke, died in her sins on Jan. 26, 2001, as a result of being mauled by two dogs. God used literal dogs to kill a figurative dog - sodomites being likened unto dogs for beast-filthiness (Deut. 23:17, Mat. 7:6, Phil. 3:2, 2 Pet. 2:7,8,12,22; Rev. 22:15). Fags & dykes = dogs & sows. She lived like a beast, died like a beast, at the hands of beasts, and is mourned by a family of beasts! The wrath and fury that smote Diane Whipple - suddenly and violently ripping her throat out and casting her forthwith into the everlasting flames of Hell - is poised to similarly visit this evil sodomite-dominated nation in final overwhelming vengeance"

gulp. Looking at the photos leaves me just as frightened and bewildered:

How can people think a "merciful god" would want them to be so blindly evil? A strange world in which christians write things like "God is America's Terrorist."

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previously: usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games, the digital imprimatur, plates,

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