previously: artbrain, god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games,

Ah, self-confidence. How strange. I want them to rip me to shreds so I can improve, yet after 3 months, learning to sandblast and cut glass, how to use a table saw, band saw, how to program in processing (even if I did rip off borrow most of the code), I still lament the fact that the only positive feedback I got was that the hay smells nice.

That's not to say that I didn't get good crit. I did: The flower is confusing. Lose the flower. Nobody blows on a flower. Whats the point of the flower? It looks like hallmark. Okay, it almost looks like hallmark.

I was hurt by that at first: the flower was the coolest part for me. It made the piece. Suggesting a fake flower struck me as downright sacrilege. But now I see: its InfoBreath, not InfoPlant. If I am trying to show information in the air what do I need a bloody plant for? So, simplify, start over. Get back to the point. All the glass and the wood and the flower do not work towards the feeling of a breath of information that links us to our ecosystem.

Also: a dandelion. You blow on those.

As for The Mobile Unit: I'm more confident on that. I've got so much in there and its all my made up world and when it comes down to it I love making ridiculous wooden gear icon things, so as long as the story gets through I'm not too fussed by consistency or concept.

Though I do really like the comment that it was too constant in tone: always the same punchline. I'll remember that.

So, short-list:

Anyway, since nothing really exists until Google says it does, I will now link to everything I presented.

The Early (Failed) Prototypes, which existed as an exhibit with Hay, now exists as a series of photographs, a clunky ppt-to-web page, a downloadable powerpoint, and a wiki page. Perhaps I'll turn it into a classy web-site, but for now this amalgam will do.

And InfoBreath exists as a webpage and some overly eloquent writing.

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previously: artbrain, god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games,

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast