previously: god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games, the digital imprimatur, is without doubt the worst-designed site I have attempted to us in my recent memory. Buttons with no names, text that can only scroll (and quickly at that), writing that scrolls both horizontally and vertically (on an 1100+ wide monitor!), words that span three lines because they're cropped so tightly : oi! I am not a usability freak but this stuff really undermines the message.

Saving grace: it does have an article by Christiane Paul: Neural Networks vs. Computer-Networked Environments.

"In 1998, Duncan Watts and Steve Strogatz (from Cornell University) published a paper titled 'Collective Dynamics of Small-World Networks' in the magazine Nature. Their research focused on so-called small-world graphs, diagrams outlining networks - for example, between people - that seem to be neither ordered nor random. [Fig 1] Watts and Strogatz reexamined several by now very well known experiments in the realm of social networks. In 1960, psychologist Stanley Milgram had discovered the paradigm of '6 degrees of separation' - the fact that all the people on this planet seem to be linked by an average of six connections. In his original experiment, Milgram had sent letters to a random selection of people in Nebraska and Kansas and asked each of them to forward the letter to one of Milgram's friends, a stockbroker in Boston whose address he didn't give them. The people in Nebraska and Kansas were asked to only send the letter to someone who they thought might be socially closer to the stockbroker. The experiment has now been recreated various times (always with the same results) - for example by the German newspaper Die Zeit, which tried to connect a Kebab-shop owner in Frankfurt to his favorite actor, Marlon Brando. What interested Watts and Strogatz in these earlier experiments was the interplay of randomness and control in networks."

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previously: god hates fags, usc staff, alex kanevsky, jon pylypchuk, michael raedecker, massimo vitali, gay bar/ kleptones, assorted, blue skies in games, the digital imprimatur,

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