previously: show studio, toca me, dm mascott pyramids, dm basic stamp, dm unifying parts, dm info breath, dm honest labour, spin\feed, high density plywood, one word movie,

I have always hated track pads. You have no control for drawing and even though they are positioned so close to the keyboard, web-browsing on them involves this constant hamster-like padding to scroll and click and back.

But two things have changed that. First, apple introduced the two-fingers scrolls feature. Then, I noticed someone navigating the web on his track pad, and as I was unable to see what was on his screen, all I saw was the motion of his hands. And it was soft, relaxing gestures; a gental stroking and playful flicking.

This, I thought, this is the beginnings of an ideal interface to the current computer. I envision leaning back in my big, leather chair, stroking a James Bond Villain's Cat, and using my computer in the process!

Perhaps a third idea for Continuum, along with Virtual Toaster and Info Breath...

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previously: show studio, toca me, dm mascott pyramids, dm basic stamp, dm unifying parts, dm info breath, dm honest labour, spin\feed, high density plywood, one word movie,

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast