previously: shy girl, info breath process map, nr3, manual input sessions, Do Ho Suh, be my last blog, kerazy motherbumper, pixel-torn pear, BATTLE FINGER, idea prototyping,

I remember loving Asteroids. It was the first game I remember playing in which you could move in every direction. Not just left and right and up and down, but anywhere! I especially liked getting my speed high and then turning around so I was blowing up asteroids while flying backwards. And wrapping around the screen at high veocity was incomparable to any experience on any video game at the time, as far as I was concerned. The irony was that it was far easier to play the game if you just stayed still and twisted around to shoot everything coming at you. But, as in life, I usually chose the more fun rather than more successful route.

I remember loving Asteroids. It was the first game I remember playing in which you could move in every direction. Not just left and right and up and down, but anywhere! I especially liked getting my speed high and then turning around so I was blowing up asteroids while flying backwards. And wrapping around the screen at high veocity was incomparable to any experience on any video game at the time, as far as I was concerned.

The irony was that it was far easier to play the game if you just stayed still and twisted around to shoot everything coming at you. But, as in life, I usually chose the more fun rather than more successful route.

Oh well, you can play it here

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previously: shy girl, info breath process map, nr3, manual input sessions, Do Ho Suh, be my last blog, kerazy motherbumper, pixel-torn pear, BATTLE FINGER, idea prototyping,

Saturday, October 15, 2005 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast