previously: art lovers, nancy dwyer, cory archangel, chelsea in spring, stevan harnad, stevan harnad, eat the homeless, kayak and phone, jordy, tremmy and ceci, terms: stochastic,

Anonymous Female Artist (a.k.a. Militant Art Bitch)l says some stuff about the art world and gets involved in amusing arguments that make me feel like I might be able to pretend to be insidery while waiting outside the toilet at an opening, if they have toilets at openings...

There is also a good pan of that guy I am not allowed to talk about, which makes me happy since he didn't respond to my perestroika email. Or was it Glasnost? Or just delusional? Mmm.

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previously: art lovers, nancy dwyer, cory archangel, chelsea in spring, stevan harnad, stevan harnad, eat the homeless, kayak and phone, jordy, tremmy and ceci, terms: stochastic,

Saturday, April 01, 2006 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast