previously: apple motion sensor, pile of dirt, hair on soap, mark manders' quotes, fossilized electronics, dm bike-powered pc, dm virtual toaster, dm maintaining artifice, magnet t.v., fly urinal,

This is like when i first discovered William Shatner's Common People. I put the thing on autorepeat for seriously several hours. Loud. In an office. Well, okay, it was my office at the University of the South Pacific, but still an office.

Anyway, this Little Eskimo video has similarly captured my obsessive heart, so I recorded the audio and have had it looping so long that my wife has stopped even asking me to turn it off.

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previously: apple motion sensor, pile of dirt, hair on soap, mark manders' quotes, fossilized electronics, dm bike-powered pc, dm virtual toaster, dm maintaining artifice, magnet t.v., fly urinal,

Sunday, September 25, 2005 many people prefer to use my rss feed or my podcast