previously: I almost didn't link it because of that awful scro..., New Media Underground Festival will also be taking..., WEBZINE: an exhibition, forum and party for indepe..., Australian bill to ban hacking tools I wrote t..., Oh no! First Douglas Adams and now assembler. Tha..., Well the girl got a rat and a pegleg. (it really d..., Speaking of LimeWire, they're currently holding a ..., Reading the Guardian's weekend insert, The Editor,..., I saw David Carson in conversation with Lewis Blac..., EU Council agrees to Internet snooping proposals- ...,

I'm currently reading The Internet in the Middle East and North Africa: Free Expression and Censorship, from Human Rights Watch Internet division.

It's mostly about government efforts to block access to or filter Internet contentand efforts to keep the Internet open and free everywhere. The governments use Proxies, forced censor-ware, pressure on ISPs, and state monopolies on local Internet and telephone infrastructure to ensure that their citizens only talk about the things they want them to talk about, and only hear the news and information the government has deemed appropriate.

Human Rights Watch lambasts the Saudi government for stating ‘bluntly during 1998 that the continuing delays in opening the Internet to public access were due to the search for a system by which authorities could block the flow of "undesirable" information’

But that was 3 years ago, you say, in Saudi Arabia.

Rifling around the Internet this morning, I came upon this description of a panel in a conference: ‘Networks have rendered state attempts to isolate and silence internal dissent more difficult, and have become powerful tools in the mobilisation of external support to undermine state authority and security.’

Another forum focuses on the fact that ‘Great opportunities exist for the establishment of public-private alliances that further mutual security, making use of the specialized capabilities of government and industry.’

Where do you think this conference is taking place? Good ol' Blighty of all places, Cambridge in fact.Visit The Internet and State Security Forum at Trinity College of Cambridge, and rifle around to figure out just what is going on with the Government, the academics and the industry.

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previously: I almost didn't link it because of that awful scro..., New Media Underground Festival will also be taking..., WEBZINE: an exhibition, forum and party for indepe..., Australian bill to ban hacking tools I wrote t..., Oh no! First Douglas Adams and now assembler. Tha..., Well the girl got a rat and a pegleg. (it really d..., Speaking of LimeWire, they're currently holding a ..., Reading the Guardian's weekend insert, The Editor,..., I saw David Carson in conversation with Lewis Blac..., EU Council agrees to Internet snooping proposals- ...,

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