christopher robbins* assembled search centre

Suva Tides Pacific Swell Tomorrow's Swell Fiji Swell Fiji Weather Maps(the farther the lines the less wind)

Listen WFMU

Number of characters
Code/idea stolen from Captain Cursor and Travis Spencer and SUBTERRANE.COM.

Hex Dex Etc

© 2002 Iain Tucker .foxinternet

A Series FormatsB Series FormatsC Series Formats
4A01682 × 2378----
2A01189 × 1682----
A0 841 × 1189B01000 × 1414C0917 × 1297
A1 594 × 841 B1 707 × 1000C1648 × 917
A2 420 × 594 B2 500 × 707 C2458 × 648
A3 297 × 420 B3 353 × 500 C3324 × 458
A4210 × 297B4250 × 353C4229 × 324
A5 148 × 210 B5 176 × 250 C5162 × 229
A6 105 × 148 B6 125 × 176 C6114 × 162
A7 74 × 105 B7 88 × 125 C7 81 × 114
A8 52 × 74 B8 62 × 88 C8 57 × 81
A9 37 × 52 B9 44 × 62 C9 40 × 57
A10 26 × 37 B10 31 × 44 C1028 × 40

*: almost none of this was written by christopher robbins. I just assembled it on one page for my own selfish use. Attribution is in the code.